We try not to overthink this part: What’s the problem we’re trying to solve with computer vision in physical therapy?

Americans are falling down; there is an epidemic of falls in older people:

  • 36 million falls per year.
  • Every 11 seconds an older person has a Fall with injury.
  • An emergency room visit from a fall cost more than $14,000.
  • 1 in 4 older adults report falling every year.

We want to make injurious falls in older people more detectable with more testing. If people are at risk, we’d like to order MORE physical therapy, MORE quickly.

The VisualPT.ai app can help you get more testing and more therapy.

We’d like to detect unstable or unbalanced people without the need for a precipitating event (a fall and a subsequent physicians’ referral) to drive the need for more PT.

VisualPT.ai has built a mobile app that is a 10x improvement in time and a 100x improvement in cost over the status quo existing systems (force plates).

That’s it.

There’s the VisualPT.ai Mission and Vision.