Cameras in physical therapy clinics will play a key role in the outpatient PT department in the future. But, as they say, the future is already here, it’s just not well-distributed, yet:

Computer vision is a type of artificial intelligence that can capture a patient image, measure the Sway Angle and quickly categorize the patient as High or Low Risk for a future fall. When screening vulnerable populations (such as elderly people), routine Fall Risk Screenings will increase referrals and access to physical therapy.
Physical therapists will be able to work to the top of their license, document more quickly and spend their time with their patient, instead of at a keyboard.
Our academic experts have told us, because CTSIB is a well-validated test, the does not need to go through an Institutional Review Board (IRB). We can simply collect patient data to should that, for billing purposes, the mobile app is equivalent to the pen-and-paper CTSIB (foam-and-dome) or the more expensive force plates.
Join us, help collect data and shape the future of the physical therapy profession.
Join an exclusive group of clinical testing sites piloting the AI-enabled The Clinical Test of Sensory Integration and Balance (CTSIB) is the gold standard test for Fall Risk detection in the physical therapy profession.
Every current Force Plate technology uses a version of the pen-and-paper CTSIB (you learned it in PT school as the ‘Foam-and-Dome’ test).

The team is on a mission to save Americans from falling down. We can achieve this goal with more testing. Remember, doing the same thing that got you to where you are now will keep you there – to achieve new goals, you’ve got to adopt new behaviors.
What’s the Goal?
We want to 100x the number of Fall Risk screenings that get done every year – and, we want physical therapists to do this work.
You’ve heard various types of people worry if AI is going to take their physical therapy job? Well, the mobile app with the CTSIB test will ensure that the amount of physical therapist work increases, not decreases!
But, we need Clinical Testing Sites to help us validate the mobile app against the industry incumbents – heavy, hardware force plates.
I have nothing against force plates – they work great. I have worked with them for many years. BUT (there’s always a ‘but’) force plates are expensive, heavy and they take up a lot of space.
If you’d like to explore inexpensive software that only takes memory space on an iPhone or iPad, then click below to set a Discovery Call to join our clinical testing program.
We are especially looking for clinical locations in South Florida.
If you want to be a part of the future development of your PT profession, click the link and email us a quick intro, who you are, why you’re interested.