Hello and Welcome!
Like you, I am a physical therapist.
My name is Tim Richardson and I graduated in 1992 from the University of Florida (home of the fight’n Gators) with my PT degree.
I have been in this wonderful profession full-time since then. I have seen many wonderful examples of physical therapy but I’ve also seen some frustrating inefficiencies.
It is because of the frustrating inefficiencies that I’m posting to you today.
One of those inefficiencies is in Data Collection (sometimes called Testing and Measurement).
Data Collection is a sore spot for physical therapists. Why?
- Because information is the product of data + PT decision making.
- Because PTs need information for PT documentation & further decision-making. You need MORE information each visit – this is what is meant by working to the top of your license.
- Because PTs use information in the care of our patients.
- Because PT clinics & hospitals use information for billing, coding & reimbursement.
- But, collecting data is time-consuming and it takes away from patient treatment.
This brings me to the point of this post.
- Our team has created a PT Student Data Collection Experience in AI for PT and PTA programs to train students in data collection.
- We need subjects’ (not patients’) data. We’re training an AI algorithm to detect Falls Risk in ambulatory patients.
- Your PT and PTA students will be trained using modern, mobile device collection tools. Our app developers call it ‘computer vision’.
- What is Computer Vision?
- We use the Clinical Test of Sensory Integration and Balance (CTSIB) baked into a mobile app and powered by an AI algorithm.
Right now, we are in the Data Validation process.
We are asking for DPT and PTA students to help us collect data to train the AI algorithms. Many DPT students already have a data collection CAPSTONE project they need to fulfill.
Why not learn about cutting-edge artificial intelligence while you’re completing your CAPSTONE project?
We think 10 CTSIB tests is a reasonable ask of the students’ time. Each test is expected to take 3 minutes and data validation will take an additional 60 minutes for a total of one-and-half hours.
The student data collector and the PT Program Director will also be invited to participate in the Clinical Advisory Council for Artificial Intelligence.
We are excited about the future and hope you can join us in the PT Student Data Collection Experience. We expect that this new tool will allow physical therapists to prospectively screen more patients (using the mobile app) for High Falls Risk.
What the Research Says => PT Fall Risk Screenings are Effective
More screenings = more patients treated = more physical therapists and physical therapist assistants employed.
We know, from one of the most high-powered PT studies ever performed (N > 800k), that PT for people with dizziness and vertigo PREVENTS FALLS.
But, the effect diminishes by 3 months.

So, the people need MORE PT.
Join us.
Save Americans from falling down.
Help us build the tools of the future.
Our best outcome with VisualPT.ai will create more opportunities for physical therapists to serve our patients and improve our patients’ lives.
Virtual Student Data Collection Experience
The VisualPT.ai is partnering with schools and universities to provide a PT Student Data Collection Experience in AI to Doctor of Physical Therapy students (as well as Physical Therapist Assistant students).
Your DPT and PTA students will participate with Machine Learning Engineers and Mobile App Designers to train the next generation of AI-augmented physical therapy tools.
Create the Future of Physical Therapy
Join our PT Clinical Advisory Panel (limit 10 Schools)